Eyeglasses For Your Face Shape

DWQA QuestionsCategory: QuestionsEyeglasses For Your Face Shape
Marian Champ asked 1 ay ago

Every person is different from the other and so is their face shapes. People have different shaped bodies and their face shape is different too; this makes it important to know yours before you jump in and buy an eyeglass. If you’re one of those people who feel that all eyewear and even all branded eyewear looks bad on you; you might need to figure out yours, before you purchase eyewear.

Knowing it helps in another thing, especially for women- which is makeup. It’s easier to apply makeup when you know what should go where. Coming back to eyewear shopping, most people feel overwhelmed when they go into an optical store, since there are hundreds of frames available and too many choices can make people puzzled. So today we present a simple guide for your spectacle or eyeframes shopping, so that you know which styles suit you best. But if you’re someone who loves to experiment, by all means, choose any shape you like.

Round Face Shape:

Round faces have very less amount of contour and are usually shorter in height with little difference in their jaw and temples. For rounded ones aviator eyeglasses work in a really great way, also do square and cat eye frames. Any eyeframe with a strong square or arched temple will work great to create contours on your profile.

Square Face Shape:

For faces where the face is a bit longer than the round and the jaws are prominent, but the temple and jaws are of the same width, most square or rectangular frames will fail to work. Most people with this feature find rounded square frames, oval frames and round eyeframes a great way to reduce the boxed effect. Many people also find the clubmaster designs a great choice.

Oval Face Shape:

Oval face shaped people are the luckiest people in terms of Eyeframes selection. Most people can look great in almost every shaped eyeframes. The beautiful shape has a narrow chin but not as narrow as a person with a heart shaped face. Since most frames work for them, they can experiment with all styles and designs.

Heart Face Shape:

When the temples are the widest and the jaws are narrow with a sharp & narrow chin, the face shape is called heart face shape. This type works greatly with cat eye eyeframes, clubmaster eyeframes and aviator eyeframes.

Triangle Face Shape:

A triangle face shape is widest at the jaw and narrower at the temples. People with this type of facial cutting have a prominent jaw which makes it best suited for clubmaster eyeframes which have a thick uni-brow kind or temple which makes the forehead appear wider than it naturally is.

So, now that you have got a hint of how you should pick up your eyeglasses with the help of your face shape, go and confidently choose your new branded eyeframes either online or at the store.

The author of this article loves painting and helping people with needs various ways to sustain themselves. Working in the eyewear industry, cheap progressive glasses Okotoks the author has gathered a good knowledge about how one should buy branded eyeframes online and after working for one of the best eyeglasses companies in India , you can be sure that the suggestions are all worth it.